Amandina zgodba o izkušnji v programu Erasmus za mlade podjetnike

Amanda v spodnjem članku opisuje svojo izkušnjo o trenutno še trajajoči izmenjavi v Avstriji.

I believe that our economy needs a reset towards a greener future. This is why I decided to participate in Erasmus for young entrepreneurs program at Actinia G.m.b.H. – a company specialized in green mobility in Vienna. My vision is to start my marketing and consultancy business in the field of sustainable mobility, as I consider it as a niche market with amazing opportunities.

My host entrepreneur Nuša Höllige helps me to obtain practical knowledge and skills from E-mobility industry management, to fully specialize in digital marketing and combine it with consulting for E-businesses. It is so exciting to learn from the person who is an experienced entrepreneur in E-mobility field, with a large network of contacts and eager to develop our international collaboration in the future.


At the beginning of my program, I was involved in the office tasks, while applying the strict Coronavirus prevention and protection measures. Since the lockdown, my work is mostly remote with the help of Zoom calls and Trello boards.  Thanks to the advanced technologies, I still feel connected to my host entrepreneur and to my team. My productivity is not declining at all.  In fact, I have the abundance of time that is fully directed towards creating my career opportunities.


I think that the best way to predict my future is to create it. This is why I feel satisfied with my decision, not to passively wait at home, but to actively to participate in Erasmus program at Actinia G.m.b.H. and bring out something meaningful for all of us.

Amanda Kapić


Za vse tiste, ki vas zanima sodelovanje v programu in bi radi razvijali svojo poslovno idejo s pomočjo tujega mentorja - najdete informacije tukaj ali preko Erasmus za mlade podjetnike spletne strani ter informativnih brošur:

Za vse dodatne informacije smo vam na voljo na posredniški organizaciji BSC, poslovno podporni center, d.o.o., Kranj.

Kontaktna oseba: Nives Justin (04 28 17 248) in Nastija Podobnik (04  77 77 252)

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