Super zgodbe Erasmusa za mlade podjetnike
I always felt that sustainable tourism development is my life's mission and had a great interest for green hospitality and social entrepreneurship. I know that sustainability is the new luxury and since I was planning to develop my own consulting business in this area, participating in EYE program seemed the next logical step.
Company Ecobnb in Trento was the perfect fit for me, as it is a social enterprise specialized for green digital marketing of eco-friendly hospitality and sustainable destinations. I loved every minute of my exchange. My host entrepreneur gave me valuable lessons from green digital content marketing, copywriting and I even had the chance to collaborate in video storytelling for green hospitality. My team was awesome and the entire experience brought me not only a paradigm shift in my way of thinking but also a lot of practical knowledge and interactions with green hospitality hosts.
I think that the most precious experience is the fact that my HE was already ''standing in my shoes'' and has continuously shared his advices and lessons with me. I know that working in the field of sustainable tourism does not only require knowledge but also powerful inspiration and willingness to initiate change in society. Working together with my always smiling and optimistic HE was especially valuable when the times got tough and I was losing my motivation and focus. I gained new perspective & ideas from this field of work and understood better on what to focus on to achieve maximum results.
According to Zen proverb, it takes a wise man to learn from his own mistakes but even wiser man to learn from others. EYE can help you to gain valuable insights that will help you to avoid potential mistakes and time wasting. I recommend it 100%!
Za vse tiste, ki vas zanima sodelovanje v programu in bi radi razvijali svojo poslovno idejo s pomočjo tujega mentorja - najdete informacije tukaj ali preko Erasmus za mlade podjetnike spletne strani ter informativnih brošur:
- informativna brošura za potencialne ali mlade podjetnike od 0 – 3 leta poslovanja,
- informativna brošura za podjetnike gostitelje.
- informativna brošura - 10 let programa Erasmus za mlade podjetnike
Za vse dodatne informacije smo vam na voljo na posredniški organizaciji BSC, poslovno podporni center, d.o.o., Kranj.
Kontaktna oseba: Nives Justin (04 28 17 248) in Nastija Podobnik (04 77 77 252)
Elektronska pošta: nives.justin@bsc-kranj.si in nastija.podobnik@bsc-kranj.si